🔘 FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

In the crypto space, new startups and ideas spring up on a daily basis. Keeping track of these activities in the crypto space for investment purposes is an arduous task. What Crypto Display does is provide you with up-to-date information regarding these token and coin offerings. Find out how Crypto Display achieves this by reading through a few of our frequently asked questions.

1. What Is Crypto Display?

Crypto Display is a next-generation platform that strives to provide its users with up-to-date information regarding various coins and token offerings. We feature centralized or decentralized exchange offerings and security tokens in addition to ICOs, unlike the majority of other market players.

2. What are coin or token offerings?

Coin or token offerings, categorized into ICOs, IEOs, STOs, etc., are one of the major fundraising events for new startups whereby investors make contributions and, in return, receive the equivalent of their contributions at discounts in the form of the project’s token or coin.

3. What do “upcoming,” “ongoing” and “ended” offerings mean?

Upcoming offerings are tokens or coins whose sales have been slated for a particular date and time. Ongoing offerings are tokens or coins whose sales are currently active and open for contributions, while ended offerings are coins or tokens whose sales have ended and are waiting to be listed on a CEX or DEX.

4. How does your rating system work?

With the rating system, Crypto Display researches and assesses how well a project is based on different criteria ranging from the project’s mission, solutions, utilities, team, white paper, roadmap, etc. At the end of the assessments, Crypto Display scores the projects as either “excellent,” “neutral,” “good,” or “poor,” depending on which category the project falls into. The rating system helps our users determine the potential of the project.

5. How does Crypto Display review projects?

The Crypto Display team conducts extensive research on the projects before listing them.
However, we cannot guarantee the success of any crypto project. We are not liable for the project’s success or failure to meet its mission. We encourage you to conduct due diligence research before making any cryptocurrency investment. You can review our disclaimer here.

6. Where can I find the listed offerings?

You can find the listed offerings from the home’s menu. You can swipe down the menu bar to find the sales type, category, network, and status options.

Sales Type: This is where you will find the different types of offerings listed on Crypto Display. Examples are the ICO, IDO, IEO, ILO, STO, and others.

Category: This is the various groups a project falls under. Examples: DAO, DEFI, entertainment, gaming, gambling, MEME, NFT, etc..

Network: This is the various blockchains a project is based on. You can search for projects on the Avalanche blockchain, or BSC, Ethereum, EOS, Cardano, Chainlink, Oasis, Cosmos, etc.

Status: This is the position of the various offerings, whether upcoming, ongoing, or ended. This will help our users decide the status of a project’s coin or token offerings.

7. Do I need to register or pay some fees to access your services?

No, you do not have to register or pay any fees to access our services. Our website is accessible to everyone at no charge. You can subscribe by entering your email here to receive our newsletters, announcements, etc.

8. What happens if a Crypto Display reviewed project turns out to be a scam?

We highly encourage our users to conduct due diligence research and be convinced before making any cryptocurrency investment. As clearly stated in our disclaimer, cryptocurrency investors must be aware of the risks involved in crypto projects. Research is not enough to guarantee the success ratio of any project.

9. How can I submit a project for listing on Crypto Display?

You are welcome to submit a project for listing on Crypto Display by filling out the registration form here. Our research team will carefully conduct due diligence research to assess the credibility and authenticity of the crypto project.


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